Tag: YouTube

  • A Facelift for Facebook

    By Steven Hill, Project Syndicate, October 8, 2021

    The free market has never been a free-for-all, yet tech companies have long operated with few constraints on their business models. Perhaps the latest Facebook scandal will finally provide the impetus governments need to take effective action – beginning with the implementation of digital operating permits.

  • The Digital Wild West Needs a Sheriff

    By Steven Hill, American Purpose, October 6, 2021

    Licenses and permits are standard fare in the brick-and-mortar world. Why not for internet companies?

    Since the birth of the Big Tech media platforms fifteen years ago, democracies around the world have been the subjects of an unfolding experiment based on this question: Can a nation’s crucial news and information infrastructure depend on digital technologies that facilitate (a) a global free-speech zone of (b) unlimited audience size with (c) non-human, algorithmic curation of massive volumes of disinformation that (d) can be spread with unprecedented ease?…

  • World Wide Weapon

    by Steven Hill, American Purpose, May 10, 2021

    Review of Breaking the Social Media Prism: How to Make Our Platforms Less Polarizing
    by Chris Bail (Princeton University Press, 240 pp., $24.95)

    An author writing a political nonfiction book has to try to see into the future. From finished manuscript to bookstore delivery can easily take two years.…

  • The Real Battle Between Big Tech and the Free Press Is Just Beginning

    By Steven Hill, Zocalo Public Square, April 1, 2021

    From Australia to Maryland, the news industry is in a fight for Its life against Facebook and Google

    From Australia to Maryland, the free press is waging a battle for survival against Facebook and Google. Besides being gushing firehoses of COVID disinformation and QAnon conspiracies, Google and Facebook have been dangerously undermining the financial stability of media outlets all over the world.…

  • The EU is about to make Facebook even worse

    By Steven Hill, International Politics and Society, Feb 12, 2021

    Big Tech media platforms are dangerous. But the EU’s proposed competition laws won’t fix it — and could make it worse

    The European Union has earned a reputation as the world’s foremost regulator of Big Tech companies. Its latest salvo is the recently proposed Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA).…

  • How we can tame the wild west of Big Tech media?

    By Steven Hill, Mercury News, Jan 27, 2021

    Why do so many people, including both former President Donald Trump and new President Joe Biden, keep talking about getting rid of an obscure law called Section 230?

    The short answer is that Section 230, part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, is the legal underpinning for one of the largest and most consequential experiments in American history.…

  • Should President Biden Revoke Section 230?

    by Steven Hill, American Compass, Jan 27, 2021

    The recent attack on the US Capitol reveals the danger of digital media platforms. Here’s what we must do to repair our new media infrastructure.

    The beautiful dream of an open and free internet, serving as a global agora of unlimited free speech to provide for more democratic participation, has crashed and burned one more time.…

  • How to deal with the social media monster

    by Steven Hill, Salon, Jan 16, 2021

    The beautiful dream of an open and free internet, serving as a global agora of unlimited free speech to provide for more popular participation in U.S. democracy, just crashed and burned one more time. 

    The gripping images of a mob ransacking the U.S.…

  • How to fix EU’s weak Digital Services and Markets Acts

    By Steven Hill, EU Observer, Jan 15, 2021

    The attack on the US Capitol was incited and planned over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other digital media platforms, and it is a warning to Europe.

    Unfortunately, the recently proposed policies by EU Commission vice president Margrethe Vestager and the European Commission, called the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA), are poorly equipped to deal with the extreme toxicities of the digital media platform business model.…